Social Media Aggregation
Try it today
Pulling content from multiple social media channels and aggregating them into your own feed that can be embedded anywhere, or presented as a standalone site.

Free Trial
The Obicloud Free Trial allows you to try social media aggregation features provided by Obicloud, as well as providing the opportunity to have direct input into new feature development.

A Channel is a source of content, such as a Facebook page or a Twitter account.

A Feed is the aggregated content from a collection of Channels.
Embedded Content

The aggregated content from a Feed can be easily embedded in your website.
Dedicated Site

Don’t have a website to embed your Obicloud feeds? Not a problem, we can generate a site directly from your Obicloud feeds.

Sign up for your Free Trial today and have your own custom Obicloud website aggregating up to five Social Media pages content.
Promote your next Event
Create an Obicloud feed to share and promote your next Event.